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economics class 12 definition of economics definition of economics are categoriesed in the following broad definition a wealth definition this definition was given by dr adam smith and support by ...

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...Economics class definition of are categoriesed in the following broad a wealth this was given by dr adam smith and support j b say s mill first all wrote book named an enquiry to nature causses for nation name kept as which separate from other science that is criticism prof marshall critise above on ground i only importance neglect moral values ii precious material iii men money welfare alfard supported pingo cannon alfred his principle published has define study behavior ordinary business life it also enquirers how he earn income well spend view but added part e main feature social sciences studies economic activities normal real means while ends human welfae c scarcity lord robbins samuelson stigler eassy significance relationship between scarce have alternative uses we gets maximum satisfaction with limited resources thus according end d growth paul people society choosing or without use employ productive could produce various commodities distribution them consumption analysis cost ...

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