edu 726 economics methods course code edu 726 course title economics methods course team course material developer dr timothy o ajadi department of educational management obafemi awolowo university ile ife ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Edu economics methods course code title team material developer dr timothy o ajadi department of educational management obafemi awolowo university ile ife nigeria writer instructional designer content editor copy lecturer in charge coordinator national open headquarters samuel adesujo ademulegun street central business district opposite arewa suites lagos annex ahmadu bello way victoria island e mail centralinfo nou ng url www first printed isbn all rights reserved publisher module concept and unit meaning scope objectives teaching values status secondary school schools syllabus curriculum importance problems preparation development scheme work qualities teacher to teach economic evaluation strategies guide table page introduction aims working through this the study units textbooks assessment tutor marked assignment summary will consist divided into modules which give students basic knowledge method spreads areas like coverage was also discussed done by establishing facts for assumptio...