national open university of nigeria macroeconomics theory eco 341 school of arts and social sciences course guide course developer bakare aremu tunde abubakar economics department university of lagos akoka yaba ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...National open university of nigeria macroeconomics theory eco school arts and social sciences course guide developer bakare aremu tunde abubakar economics department lagos akoka yaba macroeconomic i headquarters ahmadu bello way victoria island abuja annex samuel adesujo ademulegun street central business district opposite arewa suites e mail centralinfo nou edu ng url www first printed isbn all rights reserved by for multimedia technology in teaching learning noun content introduction aims objectives working through this materials study units textbooks references assignment file presentation schedule assessment tutor marked tmas final examination grading marking scheme overview how to get the most from tutors tutorials summary is a semester core which carries three credit third year level students art at coursework will be useful your academic pursuit help undergraduate gain depth insight built on prerequisite knowledge some fundamental bedrock that expected have been learnt previous ...