sheet 1 instructions sheet 2 plan data entry plan date april 2004 client name ima farmer client address 123 maple lane city mytown state in zip code 47906 phone 1 ...
Filetype Excel XLS | Posted on 05 Jul 2022 | 3 years ago
The words contained in this file might help you see if this file matches what you are looking for:
...Sheet instructions plan data entry date april client name ima farmer address maple lane city mytown state in zip code phone certified pest management specialist bugs r us consulting planning unit farm tract s fields b un rotation cornsoybean other crops location amp type of sensitive areas field numbers for the area proximity to perennial water bodies surface inlets concentrated flow shallow depths ground coarse textured soils leaching working and abandoned wells karst terrain recharge sole source aquifers public supply wellhead protection drinking reservoir watershed prone flooding runoff hel pesticide concerns identified by winpst mitigation techniques that apply all treatment options solution adsorbed risk humans via groundwater conservation crop reduces need pesticides breaking lifecycles residue a c increases infiltration soil erosion builds organic matter nutrient adequate plant nutrients including favorable ph conditions improve vigor reduce stress ability tolerate pests na scou...