File: Open Economy Macroeconomics Pdf 129496 | Hw1max12s
introduction to macroeconomics answers to first homework assignment robert m kunst april 2012 1 an open economy produces aniseed a and basil b all basil is exported residents consume aniseed ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 01 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Introduction to macroeconomics answers first homework assignment robert m kunst april an open economy produces aniseed a and basil b all is exported residents consume cinnamon c imported the following table shows quantities prices for three goods two successive years year note that in households have replaced some expensive by additional demand while world market demands more even at higher price also gdp consists of only you see this from production denition but account zero identity y i g x im with corresponding plus determine deator if it has been set base assumed follow traditional paasche concept state rate ination answer evolves direct insertion into formula q p thus consumer index which dened as laspeyres household consump tion when will be measured less customary counterparts counterpart e implied consumption qapa d calculate nominal both deate question compare type real given lecture notes values should coincide already calculated above points we deating yields properly accoun...