File: Economic Analysis Pdf 129433 | 182429792008050105
the european journal of comparative economics vol 5 n 1 pp 87 105 issn 1722 4667 determinants of economic growth empirical evidence from russian regions svetlana ledyaeva department of business ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 01 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...The european journal of comparative economics vol n pp issn determinants economic growth empirical evidence from russian regions svetlana ledyaeva department business and university joensuu centre for markets in transition helsinki school mikael linden abstract a modification barro sala i martin framework model is specified to examine per capita during period we utilize both panel cross sectional data results imply that general regional explained by initial level region s development financial crisis domestic investments exports convergence between poor rich russia was not found studied jel classification e f p keywords introduction analysis pioneered mankiw et al large literature on economies appeared including fischer sahay vegh havrylyshyn izvorski van rooden berg studies have identified variety microeconomic structural institutional factors good description published available survey economy question remains an open there are lot variables which could be included into specification...