formula sheet microeconomics allocative efficiency condition p mc or more precisely marginal social benefit msb marginal social cost msc average fixed cost afc totalfixedcost tfc quantity of output q average ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 01 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Formula sheet microeconomics allocative efficiency condition p mc or more precisely marginal social benefit msb cost msc average fixed afc totalfixedcost tfc quantity of output q product ap totalproduct input profit averageprofit totalprofit revenue averagerevenue totalrevenue total atc totalcost tc variable avc totalvariablecost cross price elasticity demand percentagechangeinquantitydemandedofgood x percentagechangeinnprice good y distributive muf muc f c supply percentagechangeinquantitysupplied percentagechangeinprice use the point arc as indicated below for substituting supplied demanded factor production hiring rule hire until mrp mfc in other books is sometimes called mrc gini coefficient line perfect equality cumulative incomelorenz curve ab families shadedarea area triangle abc tvc cracking economics macro micro exams labor mp tp l mr tr optimal combination resources lk w r consumption mux muy simple qq d newold qold pp old precise a competitive firm ar kl orp minatc k maximiz...