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picture1_A Economics Syllabus

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File: A Economics Syllabus
university of pune revised syllabus t y b a economics from june 2010 g 3 indian public finance s 3 international economics quantitative techniques and project work only for internal ...

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...University of pune revised syllabus t y b a economics from june g indian public finance s international quantitative techniques and project work only for internal students external board studies in committee prof tanpure m d chairman dr bhong l co ordinator member dangat n r sowani v kadam datir k ahvad suhas kolhe khatke spl invitee gadhinglag mr milind alwani jadhav apeksha hadapsar dilip arjune jalana pushpa rande madhu satam manjushri musmade general paper iii preamble role functions the government an economy have been changing with passage time term has traditionally applied to package those policies operations which involve use tax expenditure measures while budgetary policy is important part understand basic problems resources distribution income etc there are vast array fiscal institutions systems programmes procedures stabilization instruments debt issues levels raise spectrum arising operation these further existence externalities concern adjustment wealth require political p...

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