cmg7101 construction economics hours per hours per weighted weighted weighted credit units week semester total mark exam mark continuous assessment lh ph th ch wtm wem wcm cu 3 0 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 01 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Cmg construction economics hours per weighted credit units week semester total mark exam continuous assessment lh ph th ch wtm wem wcm cu course description the in geared at taking student through estimating economic resources feasibility studies cost benefit analysis and supply demand objectives aims to enable understand estimation processes inputs outputs help master different ways of assessing viability projects provide an understanding context outline process methods cash flows identification allocation reducible irreducible factors priority interest net present value equivalent annual payback period profitability index need for parties study reports determination benefits disbenefits ratio using elasticity price mechanism role government learning outcomes will estimate civil engineering carry out choose write analyse method teaching delivery be conducted lectures tutorials assignments basic lecture materials provided by lecturer supplemented individual reading effort students test...