journal global values vol vii no 2 2016 issn p 0976 9447 e 2454 8391 icrjifr impact factor 3 8741 impact of chinese mercantilism state on india dr krishna k ...
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...Journal global values vol vii no issn p e icrjifr impact factor of chinese mercantilism state on india dr krishna k verma school commerce hnb garhwal central university campus badshahithol tehri uttarakhand abstract is a set economic ideas about how country can get rich several european countries embraced this theory between the th and centuries while there are different versions enacted four basic principles or rules becomes powerful by collecting as much gold silver possible increasing number colonies it has mother should produce manufactured goods provide natural resources have more exports than imports now being felt that china adopting attitude indiahas to reconcile imbalance trade with some solid measures hope pm mr narenderamodi in direction key words export import balance fdi market prologue an system dominated major trading nations during sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth mercantile was based premise national wealth power were best served precious metals return following underl...