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picture1_Economics Assignment Pdf 129227 | Gen 19 Macro Course Outline

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File: Economics Assignment Pdf 129227 | Gen 19 Macro Course Outline
introductory macroeconomics what policy analysts should know or why macroeconomics is not nearly as boring as you thought it would be course outline 2019 1 names and contact details course ...

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...Introductory macroeconomics what policy analysts should know or why is not nearly as boring you thought it would be course outline names and contact details lecturer dr grant m scobie telephone email grantmscobie gmail com administrator zaneta waitai mbie govt nz class times location session tuesday october am pm thursday monday november friday assignment due classes will held at st andrews on the terrace we start promptly for each cost this provided by government economics network gen a of plus gst per person withdrawal from notice must in writing emailed to ceasing attend verbally advising member staff accepted learning objectives every day there something related news examples include dollar fell against all major currencies overnight governor reserve bank announced higher capital requirements commercial banks are expected pass recent cut ocr has revised target ratio debt gdp was further slowdown productivity third quarter long term bond rates now below bill rate inflation remains o...

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