DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS 1) ECN 101: ELEMENTS OF MICROECONOMICS PRINCIPLES & THEORIES. Major textbook used: An introduction to microeconomics by M.A. Iyoha, S.A Oyefusi and D.E. Oriakhi 2) ECO 113: INTRODUCTORY STATISTICS 1 Textbooks: Introductory statistics 1 by R.A Akinsokeji & A.G. Aremo *Essential Economics for Senior Secondary Schools by C.E. Ande. ECO 112: Introduction to Mathematics for Economics. Recommended Texts a. Essential Mathematics for Economics and Business by O. T. Ekanem b. Basic Social Science Mathematics by Akinribade Edward Oluwafisayo c. Basic Mathematics for Economics by Mike Rosser ECN301: Microeconomic Theory ...
Weblinks q q q q q Suggested Readings q Gould, John P., and Lazear, Edward P. Microeconomic Theory. Richard D. Irwin, Inc(2000), th 6 ed. ECONOMICS PAPER No.: 5-Factor Pricing and Distribution MODULE No. : 4: Pricing in Imperfect Factor Market (Monopsony) nd q Koutsoyiannis A., Modern Microeconomics. Macmillan (2003) 2 ed. (revised). q Salvatore Dominick, Microeconomics Theory and Applications. Oxford University Press th (2003), 4 ed. Glossary A Average expenditure on labour (AE ): It is the ...