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picture1_Free Market Economy Pdf 129049 | Chapter 2 Quiz Review Key

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File: Free Market Economy Pdf 129049 | Chapter 2 Quiz Review Key
name date economics per chapter 2 review section i fill in the blank free markets mixed economies centrally planned economies communism self interest free market economy economic system government command ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Name date economics per chapter review section i fill in the blank free markets mixed economies centrally planned communism self interest market economy economic system government command socialism traditional answering three questions basic societies ask are what to produce how who for an is way a society decides answer these there four general types of systems regulating powered by individuals acting their own factors production privately owned and decide also known as central controls answers all two often mentioned when discussed modern most world today use combination involvement throughout different levels intervention ii key terms that combines with some one s personal gain doctrine states generally should not intervene marketplace laissez faire which makes decisions on consumption goods services struggle among producers dollars consumers competition essentially gets produced consumer sovereignty iii reviewing main ideas think business your local area describe its operation fact...

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