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picture1_Corporate Pdf 129013 | Kardos Leidner Zsolnai Castano 2016

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File: Corporate Pdf 129013 | Kardos Leidner Zsolnai Castano 2016
ejsp researcharticle theeffectofthebelief in free market ideology on redressing corporate injustice peter kardos bernhard leidner laszlo zsolnai emanuele castano bloomeldcollege bloomeld newjersey usa university of massachusetts amherst amherst massachusetts usa ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Ejsp researcharticle theeffectofthebelief in free market ideology on redressing corporate injustice peter kardos bernhard leidner laszlo zsolnai emanuele castano bloomeldcollege bloomeld newjersey usa university of massachusetts amherst corvinusuniversity ofbudapest budapest hungary newschoolforsocialresearch newyork correspondence abstract division social and manypeopleinthemajorwesterneconomies e g united states uk behavioral science college fremontstreet new jersey germany subscribetofreemarketideology fmi whichclaimsthatinstitu tionaloversightofthemarketisunnecessaryforpublicreactioncanforcecor mail edu porations to regulate their own behavior the question then becomes how people s belief affects reactions transgressions received january given its ingroup centered values we hypothesized that beliefs would accepted may bias report results a pilot study showing are predicted by selshness tradition conformity http dx doi org andlackofuniversalism three experiments which showed keyword...

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