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File: Justice Pdf 128906 | 1 Item Download 2022-10-14 06-36-29
bridge course for b a i unit i english compulsory structure of the sentence parts of speech kinds of noun active passive voice direct indirect speech articles unit ii english ...

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...Bridge course for b a i unit english compulsory structure of the sentence parts speech kinds noun active passive voice direct indirect articles ii literature forms poetry lyric sonnet ode elegy ballad literary terms allegory irony tragedy poetic justice dramatic monologue comedy figure iii marathi what is language and its utility grammar or word power origin journalistic report writing how to make as knowledge culturalisation iv development novel drama principles improvement intersect among students towards v sanskrit formation tenses types poet introduction vi urdu compulsary modes sentences genders definition malta mafta gazal bandh tarteebof namaz mazmoon short long story afsana khatoot vii economics scope micro macro selection financial choice demand supply price consumption production viii sociology family meaning values constructive change in blood relation social characteristics urbanisation westernisation modernization democratization ix history importance human life geographic...

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