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picture1_Free Market Economy Pdf 128784 | 23 D10017

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File: Free Market Economy Pdf 128784 | 23 D10017
2011 international conference on economics trade and development ipedr vol 7 2011 2011 iacsit press singapore research on the market economy model jian zhang ning zhao economics and management school ...

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...International conference on economics trade and development ipedr vol iacsit press singapore research the market economy model jian zhang ning zhao management school wuhan university whu china divinezhang com zhaoning abstract in order to promote s individuals control of government will be useless reform it necessary study existing models this based private ownership emphasizes right paper researched three current typical free choice individual encourages people pursue mainly used normative analysis approach economic interest welfare through use comparative method compare mechanism price competition different found two differences target is may lead diversity however they still have promoting similarities concludes enterprises are that there some basic rules must obeyed most important participants can manage end puts forward advices for their own production factors such as capital human so central play positive role resource freely independent property boost decision making power also ...

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