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picture1_Excel Sheet Download 11528 | Table 1 Template | Sample Application

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File: Excel Sheet Download 11528 | Table 1 Template | Sample Application
sheet 1 collaborator template center members institution last name first name title institution name sheet 2 instructions for both the center preapplication and the full application applicants are required to ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 05 Jul 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet collaborator template center members institution last name first title instructions for both the preapplication and full application applicants are required to submit a table listing director deputy leads major thrust areas pi rsquo s seniorkey personnel purposes of uniformity ease use by department energy attached excel templates provided as courtesy suggested in preparing cover page supplement these follow sample tables foa it is requested that adere following when completing bull do not merge or cells even if individuals share same change order columns include any additional information eg ldquo rdquo copi footnote symbols under departmental affiliations institutions an individual has joint appointment separate with ie univ x national lab y identify nondomestic provide addendum each demonstrating how possesses skills resources abilities exist among potential domestic...

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