turkish journal of business ethics november 2013 6 2 72 83 turkye gad www isahlakidergisi com doi 10 12711 tjbe 2013 6 2 0122 discussing the role of trust in ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Turkish journal of business ethics november turkye gad www isahlakidergisi com doi tjbe discussing the role trust in behavioral assumptions transaction cost theory rabia arzu kalemca cankaya university abstract its attempts to explain organizations based on their economical approach has a unique position among all organizational theories since it derives as sumptions from human behaviors basic are opportunism and bounded rationality includes se lection governance mechanisms whose goal is minimize costs aforementioned this study discusses notion that not only one most important aspects work but also disregarded by abovementioned underlines importance building an environment organization rather than selecting under opportunist rational para digm currently case key words kalemc ph d assistant professor administration department she studies sociology behavior correspondence faculty economics administrative sciences eskiehir yolu km yenimahalle ankara turkey email arzukalemci edu tr attempt...