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picture1_Team Teaching Pdf 128174 | 3040233

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File: Team Teaching Pdf 128174 | 3040233
an empirical test of transaction cost theory validating the analysis of discrete structural alternatives marta fernandez olmos jorge rosell martinez m a espitia escuer o d t n 04 2008 ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...An empirical test of transaction cost theory validating the analysis discrete structural alternatives marta fernandez olmos jorge rosell martinez m a espitia escuer o d t n documentos de trabajo departamento economia y empresa facultad ciencias empresariales universidad la rioja esta serie tiene como objetivo fundamental difusion los trabajos investigacion desarrollados por el personal docente e investigador del asi mejora en sus producciones cientificas this series working papers has as goal dissemination research projects developed by teaching and team economy business department university well improvement in its scientific production envio originales submission manuscripts secretaria comite redaccion c ciguena logrono mail dt dee unirioja es website http publicaciones online dtdee shtml edicion distribucion publishing distribution servicio piscinas s espana pagina web issn...

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