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File: Economic Development Pdf Notes 128129 | 1011020512br15103cr15apiculture Lac Culture And Sericultureapiculture Lac Culture And Sericulture Upload
module 6b apiculture lac culture and sericulture economic biology 35 notes apiculture lac culture and sericulture ever since the beginning of civilization man has been trying to make use animals ...

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...Module b apiculture lac culture and sericulture economic biology notes ever since the beginning of civilization man has been trying to make use animals around him for various purposes rear them increasing their number in this context you have learnt two previous lessons about animal husbandry fisheries lesson will get acquainted with major aspects bee keeping rearing insects silk moths objectives after completing be able define list species honey emphasize importance describe structure hive castes a normal colony explain different biological features caste determination development brood comb nest swarming methods catching hiving swarms bees common extraction beeswax enumerate uses name insect that produces mention its main life history producing terms stick seed shellac produce respective host plants give general account moth non mulberry hosts production sources parts india where they are produced meaning is also known as why apis means scientific names honeybees begin generic or art...

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