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picture1_Advanced Microeconomics Pdf 127998 | 3 Advanced Microeconomics

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File: Advanced Microeconomics Pdf 127998 | 3 Advanced Microeconomics
syllabus course title advanced microeconomics ects credits 4 auditorium hours 34 prerequisites intermediate microeconomics professor instructor assistant professor a sargsyan instructors e mail sargsyan anna gmail com course description this ...

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...Syllabus course title advanced microeconomics ects credits auditorium hours prerequisites intermediate professor instructor assistant a sargsyan instructors e mail anna gmail com description this provides comprehensive and accessible graduate level introduction to the foundations most important theoretic models used in modern material includes economic analysis useful for understanding structure performance of markets factors which affect business by stressing mathematical that is common many microeconomic theories coupled with intuitive explanations will facilitate your journey through program beyond objectives understand basic framework complexity theory recognize contribution limitations traditional consumer producer explore newer modeling more complex situations such as household production processes decisions under uncertainty imperfect competition economics information apply introduced discussion research interests deepen sharpen analytical skills critical thinking improve academ...

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