File: Principles Of Microeconomics Mankiw Pdf 127982 | Econ 202
western kentucky university microeconomics 202 spring 2009 course location grise hall room 442 course schedule 8 00 8 55 mwf instructor michael roberson email michael roberson wku edu office hours ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Western kentucky university microeconomics spring course location grise hall room schedule mwf instructor michael roberson email wku edu office hours wednesday website http estudy us text mankiw g principles of th ed south isbn for student disability services students with disabilities who require accommodations academic adjustments and or auxiliary aids this must contact the potter ofsds telephone number is v tdd please do not request directly from professor without a letter accommodation description focuses on an analysis decision making in individual organizational context includes production possibilities exchange theory supply demand equilibrium cost pricing all emphasis marginal some attention given to macroeconomic data sources structure macro economy objectives understand particular market forces how firms behave markets varying degrees competition roles consumers government foreign increasingly global responses behaviors organizations factors institutions society influencing p...