gujarat technological university civil infrastructure engineering engineering economics and management subject code 2140003 b e 4th semester teaching and examination scheme teaching scheme credits examination marks total l t p ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Gujarat technological university civil infrastructure engineering economics and management subject code b e th semester teaching examination scheme credits marks total l t p c theory practical ese pa m v ala oep i content sr topics hrs module no weightage introduction to definitions nature scope difference between microeconomics macroeconomics of demand supply meaning determinants law equilibrium elasticity price income cross production function factors characteristics land labour capital entrepreneur variable proportions returns scale cost short run long fixed average marginal opportunity break even analysis explanation numerical markets types their perfect competition monopoly monopolistic completion oligopoly national stock flow concept ni at current constant gnp gdp nnp ndp personal disposal basic economic problems poverty absolute relative causes measures reduce unemployment remedies inflation control money functions monetary policy objectives tools fiscal banking central bank rbi...