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picture1_Milton Friedman Pdf 127911 | Milton Y Rose Friedman   Free To Choose

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File: Milton Friedman Pdf 127911 | Milton Y Rose Friedman Free To Choose
copyright 1980 1979 by milton friedman and rose d friedman all rights reserved no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means ...

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...Copyright by milton friedman and rose d all rights reserved no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form means electronic mechanical including photocopy recording information storage retrieval system without permission writing from the publisher requests for to make copies work should mailed permissions harcourt brace jovanovich inc third avenue new york n y author wishes thank following publishers per mission quote sources listed harvard educational review excerpts alternative pub lic school systems kenneth b clark edu cational winter reprinted newsweek magazine excerpt barking cats february copy right wall street journal swedish tax revolt melvyn krauss dow jones co set linotype times roman printed united states america library congress cataloging data free choose includes bibliographical references index capitalism welfare state industry i joint ii title hb f isbn l m...

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