File: International Political Economy Pdf 127832 | Dcc 5020
syllabus for international political economy ipe international university of japan title of the course international political economy ipe course instructor n s cooray tel 025 779 1428 and email cooray ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Syllabus for international political economy ipe university of japan title the course instructor n s cooray tel and email iuj ac jp credit two term winter class time wednesday office hours rationale introduction as we live in a globalising increasingly interdependent world understanding roles behaviour markets states institutions civil society is vitally important it believed that provides solid foundation those who are attempting to comprehend above mentioned key regional global issues will affect everyday life individuals an interdisciplinary academic field within relations which draws inputs from politics economics cultural studies history this aims familiarize students with theories dynamic linkages among context covers major concepts including trade finance development consequences controversies globalisation pedagogical techniques room lectures b discussion c reading assignments internet books journals d other participants presentations e case assessment grading grade be based on...