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picture1_Milton Friedman Pdf 127723 | Dear Professor Exploring Lay Comments To Milton Friedman

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File: Milton Friedman Pdf 127723 | Dear Professor Exploring Lay Comments To Milton Friedman
modern intellectual history 2022 1 24 doi 10 1017 s1479244322000245 article dear professor exploring lay comments to milton friedman maurice cottier department of contemporary history university of fribourg corresponding author ...

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...Modern intellectual history doi s article dear professor exploring lay comments to milton friedman maurice cottier department of contemporary university fribourg corresponding author e mail unifr ch received april accepted while previous research on the rise neoliberalism has focused elite networks economists politicians journalists and business leaders this investigates attractiveness ideas at time neoliberal breakthrough from a bottom up perspective close reading mostly favorable letters by two hundred viewers in response television documentary series free choose indicates that popular legitimacy was based broad yet fragile coalition four different many ways contradictory viewer narratives can be distilled i conservative narrative ii reactionary iii left libertarian iv populist although today still is perceived as economist show under surface public debate his reach far exceeded realms postwar conservatism supported people who were situated further right perhaps more than sources pro...

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