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picture1_International Political Economy Pdf 127679 | Ipe1 Item Download 2022-10-13 09-13-02

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File: International Political Economy Pdf 127679 | Ipe1 Item Download 2022-10-13 09-13-02
international political economy what is political economy political economy is analysis of politics that explicitly incorporates the interaction of economic and political spheres political economy has roots in aristotle smith ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...International political economy what is analysis of politics that explicitly incorporates the interaction economic and spheres has roots in aristotle smith ricardo marx keynes galbraith many modern analysts study relationships between trading states regimes on exchange behavior established by vis a one another examples empire hegemonic trade wto nafta ipe also studies impact have ability to maintain freedom policy certain protocols domain investment limit scope state sovereignty limited globalization main paradigms mercantilism realist type philosophy dominant over all goal accumulate surplus cash reserves accrue power seen result currency or metals manifest imperial style expansions raw materials markets carefully controlled environment...

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