File: International Economics Krugman 127678 | Syllabus
14 54 international economics fall 2001 jonathan kearns jkearns mit edu office e52 243d ta s bjoern bruegemann bjoernb mit edu office e52 201 course description the course covers both ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...International economics fall jonathan kearns jkearns mit edu office e d ta s bjoern bruegemann bjoernb course description the covers both halves of trade and finance or open economy macroeconomics first half examines determinants pattern effects on domestic resource allocation policies such as tariffs quotas economic welfare other theoretical policy issues relating to relations among nations second considers including topics balance payments functioning foreign exchange markets determination rates how monetary fiscal function under different rate regimes reading material main textbook is paul krugman maurice obstfeld th theory edition addison wesley longman ko a supplementary text pop internationalism press pi there are two additional recommended texts for an understanding history read douglas irwin against tide intellectual free some optional readings drawn from gene grossman ken rogoff eds handbook volume these articles marked with unless you keen pursue studies in need not purchase ...