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picture1_Behavioral Economics Pdf 127583 | Eco2313

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File: Behavioral Economics Pdf 127583 | Eco2313
principles of macroeconomics eco 231 003 fall 2012 tuesday and thursday 8 00 9 15 room 458 dr t parker ballinger office economics and finance suite room 392q phone 468 ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Principles of macroeconomics eco fall tuesday and thursday room dr t parker ballinger office economics finance suite q phone secretary e mail pballinger sfasu edu hours monday wednesday or by ap pointment course description an introduction to the behavioral science that focuses on aggre gate behavior households firms government topics covered include gross domestic product national income economic growth unemployment inflation business cycle fiscal policy mone tary international trade general education core curriculum objectives students ability demonstrate following ex emplary educational will be evaluated in this employ appropriate methods technologies data social scientists use investigate human condition critique alternative explanatory systems theories analyze effects historical political cultural global forces ar ea under study differentiate evidence documentary statistical differing points view critically assess develop creative solutions public problems student learning outcome...

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