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picture1_Excel Sheet Work 11447 | It 98 Kschart | Sample Application

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File: Excel Sheet Work 11447 | It 98 Kschart | Sample Application
information technology career cluster network systems pathway knowledge and skill statements the pathway knowledge and skills chart describes what allmost learnersworkers need to know and be able to do to ...

icon picture XLS Filetype Excel XLS | Posted on 05 Jul 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Information technology career cluster network systems pathway knowledge and skill statements the skills chart describes what allmost learnersworkers need to know be able do demonstrate competence within a following description there are four sets of expectations foundational academic b essential c foundation d careers in involve analysis planning implementation including design installation maintenance management successful establishment infrastructure is critical success almost every st century organization people with expertise high demand for variety positions organizations all sizes types doing work such as creating maintaining medical facilities that enables multiple doctors view same patient s xrays realtime determine diagnosis best treatment secondary students should meet their state standards predicated on assumption have been attained some will further define linkages applications academics andor apply clusters pathways persons preparing this these context copyright states ini...

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