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picture1_International Political Economy Pdf 127399 | International Political Economy S16

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File: International Political Economy Pdf 127399 | International Political Economy S16
international political economy pol ua 795 003 spring 2016 professor peter rosendorff professor of politics nyu class time monday 12 30 3pm silv rm 407 office hours 3 5pm mondays ...

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...International political economy pol ua spring professor peter rosendorff of politics nyu class time monday pm silv rm office hours mondays and by appointment w email edu the purpose this course is to familiarize students with current issues debates in field will engage scholarship regarding relationship between power wealth institutions trade money exchange rates aspects financial crises courts human rights who complete be able define analyze a variety theoretical conflict cooperation bargaining enforcement compliance for example develop set analytic tools evaluate arguments based on logic evidence rather than personal opinion or partisan preferences argue perspective that not historical descriptive but analytical scientific apply foundations problems such as finance law writing presenting social science papers discussions learn essential elements research methods an upper level designed have already taken introductory courses relations requirements include midterm final exam several a...

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