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picture1_Macroeconomics Textbook Pdf 127350 | Econ 110 1  Hofer

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File: Macroeconomics Textbook Pdf 127350 | Econ 110 1 Hofer
principles of macroeconomics economics 110 sect 1 2 fall 2017 prof hofer office cps 428 phone 346 3874 email thofer uwsp edu office hours tues thurs fri 10 11 tues ...

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...Principles of macroeconomics economics sect fall prof hofer office cps phone email thofer uwsp edu hours tues thurs fri and no appointments are needed during official i will often be in my outside so feel free to stop by however if you need see me sure set up an appointment th textbook mceachern a contemporary introduction edition optional there is hard copy study guide available for purchase at the bookstore course description this introduce basic ideas with focus on realm we discuss characteristics united states economy common business structures including cooperatives develop models that scarcity costs supply demand international trade national income unemployment inflation cycles role government as well other topics after should able understand tools but also apply them macroeconomic issues read hear about every day news learning outcomes econ define gdp fiscal policy monetary calculate use analyze performance aggregate model equilibrium macroeconomy effects achievement assessed en...

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