File: Production Pdf 127259 | 5102deeb71d6bf56ea33c90352cf73dc
absolute and comparative advantage adam smith s theory of absolute advantage the trade theory that first indicated importance of specialization in production and division of labor is based on the ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Absolute and comparative advantage adam smith s theory of the trade that first indicated importance specialization in production division labor is based on idea which developed by his famous book wealth nations published later david ricardo titled principles political economy extended it to incorporate showed basis why need mutually beneficial countries if a country or individual absolutely more efficient at good than another then we say she has relatively measures efficiency terms relative magnitudes since have limited resources level technology they tend produce goods services from now ca implies an opportunity cost associated with one compared specialize certain products this notion called international model assumptions factors cannot move between assumption excludes possibility migration as well presence multinational companies also imply ppf each will not change after there no reason expect wages measured same currency be barriers exports must equal imports means exclude imbalanc...