this pdf is a selection from a published volume from the national bureau of economic research volume title nber macroeconomics annual 2001 volume 16 volume author editor ben s bernanke ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...This pdf is a selection from published volume the national bureau of economic research title nber macroeconomics annual author editor ben s bernanke and kenneth rogoff editors publisher mit press isbn url http www org books bern conference date april publication january growth exogenous taking mankiw romer weil seriously refet gurkaynak chapters c giirkaynak princeton university introduction takes robert solow thus begins one most paper influential widely cited pieces in empirical literature article by n gregory david brief henceforth mrw performed an evaluation textbook model using penn world data set constructed summers tables multicountry heston for years found support predictions that long run steady state level real output per worker country should be positively correlated with saving rate negatively labor force however their estimates also implied capital share factor income about high compared to conventional value based on u third address possible inconsistency considered augme...