File: Basic Microeconomics Pdf 127046 | 2016 Minor Econ V1
hong kong shue yan university minor programme department of economics and finance minor programme offered minor in economics available for year 1 entry 2016 cohort onwards year 2 entry 2017 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 12 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Hong kong shue yan university minor programme department of economics and finance offered in available for year entry cohort onwards students are required to complete a minimum credits by choosing courses out the course list code title pre requisite s choose econ basic microeconomics nil macroeconomics fin money banking managerial history economic thought international trade issues development comparative systems is subject change without prior notice description term this designed offer broad coverage microeconomic principles essential an understanding activities households business organizations governments it also equips with ability apply theory critically analyse evaluate social from perspectives aims at equipping concepts structure follows standard pattern involving topics like fiscal policy monetary growth open economy cycles upon completion will be able acquire well balanced foundation evaluating macroeconomic use number models develop nature system practice bank management rol...