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picture1_Economic Analysis Pdf 127024 | Freit633

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File: Economic Analysis Pdf 127024 | Freit633
an empirical analysis of comparative advantage dynamics thi thu tra pham royal melbourne institute of technology vietnam james riedel johns hopkins university abstract this paper uses product level data to ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 12 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...An empirical analysis of comparative advantage dynamics thi thu tra pham royal melbourne institute technology vietnam james riedel johns hopkins university abstract this paper uses product level data to analyze how evolves as per capita income rises in a sample twenty relatively rapidly growing countries evidence that output and exports become more diversified not specialized has been interpreted suggest does evolve theory predicts taken basis for revival industrial policy developing presents advantages provides reinterpretation finding export diversification november key words economic development growth jel classification numbers e f o word count the venerable principle is core concept economics yet its relevance often dismissed pioneers it providing intellectual justification import substitution industrialization strategy adopted ubiquitously s again being by those promoting making case argued leads dead end where prosperity limited productivity unskilled labor intensive manufacturi...

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