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picture1_Welfare Economics Pdf 126948 | Final Public Finance

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File: Welfare Economics Pdf 126948 | Final Public Finance
public economics online lecture notes prepared by dr manoj bhatt unit 1 rationale for public economics lesson 1 public economics is the study of government policy through the lens of ...

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...Public economics online lecture notes prepared by dr manoj bhatt unit rationale for lesson is the study of government policy through lens economic efficiency and equity at its most basic level provides a framework thinking about whether or not should participate in markets to what extent role be order do so microeconomic theory utilized assess private market likely provide efficient outcomes absence governmental interference inherently this involves analysis taxation expenditures subject encompasses host topics including failures externalities creation implementation builds on welfare ultimately used as tool improve social contract hobbs locke s which dominated european political thought eighteenth century has played very important part development modern practice all speculative theories it one oldest came into being result reaction against divine origin example available many countries both east west according state was created god contrary under compulsion circumstances people contr...

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