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picture1_Economic Environment Of Business Pdf 126940 | Mc 103

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File: Economic Environment Of Business Pdf 126940 | Mc 103
1 subject business environment course code mc 103 author dr karam pal lesson 01 vetter dr b s bodla business and environment objective the students will be able to understand ...

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...Subject business environment course code mc author dr karam pal lesson vetter b s bodla and objective the students will be able to understand concept of its meaning scope importance structure introduction emerging order technological economic political socio natural summary self assessment exercise suggested readings is an important institution in society it for supply goods or services creation employment opportunities offer better quality life contribution growth a country role crucial so first question arises anyone mind what really following definition attempt provide appropriate answer nothing more than person group persons properly organized produce distribute study activities involved production distribution buying selling financing personnel like practically above said true but theoretical sense incorrect before any can considered there must exist both goal profit risk loss thus accurately defined by k ashwathapa as complex field commerce industry which are created distributed ...

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