File: Financial Economics Pdf 126773 | 04 Toto 47 65
research accepted 17 february 2019 paper safa1 0 63 international journal of business and management science chief editor mohammad safa 23 www safaworld org ijbms submission ijbms submission safaworld org ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 12 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Research accepted february paper safa international journal of business and management science chief editor mohammad www safaworld org ijbms submission effect micro macro economic factors on the financial health general insurance companies in indonesia a b c toto sugiharto novita sulistiowati rina nofiyanti acfaculty economics gunadarma university bfaculty information communication technology corresponding author tsharto staff ac id abstract objective study is to analyze macroeconomic include growth rate inflation interest microeconomic company size investment performance loss ratio current represented by risk based capital automatic linear modeling was performed test proposed hypotheses it revealed that significantly influenced respectively reference different directions magnitudes keywords stands for standardized acceptance factor average which calculated review scores if obtained lies between tends be publication with recommended level revision other requirements are satisfied copyr...