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picture1_Economic Policy Pdf 126694 | Unit 38 Business And The Economic Environment Issue 2

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File: Economic Policy Pdf 126694 | Unit 38 Business And The Economic Environment Issue 2
unit 38 business and the economic environment unit code t 502 5500 qcf level 3 btec national credit value 10 guided learning hours 60 aim and purpose the aim of ...

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...Unit business and the economic environment code t qcf level btec national credit value guided learning hours aim purpose of this is to introduce learners interaction between general activity how interactions generate wellbeing will study government activities regulate influence action policy introduction businesses operate in an shaped by seeks control prices inflation employment levels growth balance payments a range techniques used these variables but changes made have direct impact on individual raising interest rates may reduce demand as it becomes more expensive for consumers borrow means that output possibly make staff redundant cost borrowing pay new investment goes up so implementing newer technologies might be delayed reducing organisation s competitiveness organisations spending has significant such high proportion gross domestic product infrastructure projects upgrading west coast main railway line or building sports facilities olympic games multiplier effect at both local s...

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