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picture1_Financial Economics Pdf 126651 | 12 Economics

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File: Financial Economics Pdf 126651 | 12 Economics
class notes class xii topic government budget subject economics a government budget is an annual financial statement showing item wise estimates of expected revenue and anticipated expenditure during a fiscal ...

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...Class notes xii topic government budget subject economics a is an annual financial statement showing item wise estimates of expected revenue and anticipated expenditure during fiscal year objectives activities to secure reallocation resources i private enterprises always desire allocate those areas production where profits are high ii however it possible that such like alcohol may not promote social welfare iii through its budgetary policy the country directs allocation in manner there balance between goals profit maximisation iv goods which injurious health cigarettes whisky discouraged heavy taxation v on other hand socially useful electricity khadi encouraged subsidies vi so finally has reallocate accordance economic considerations case free market fails do or does inefficiently b redistributive shows comprehensive exercise uses instruments with view improving distribution income wealth economy reduces inequality by imposing taxes rich giving poor spending more raises living standar...

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