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picture1_Theory Of Production Pdf 126608 | Leec106

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File: Theory Of Production Pdf 126608 | Leec106
an open economy is one which interacts with other countries through various channels so far we had not considered this aspect and just limited to a closed economy in which ...

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...An open economy is one which interacts with other countries through various channels so far we had not considered this aspect and just limited to a closed in there are no linkages the rest of world order simplify our analysis explain basic macroeconomic mechanisms reality most modern economies three ways these established output market can trade goods services widens choice sense that consumers producers choose between domestic foreign financial ost often buy assets from gives investors opportunity labour irms where locate production workers work immigration laws restrict movement ovement has traditionally been seen as substitute for e focus on first two thus said be trades nations also indians instance consume products produced around some india exported oreign therefore influences indian aggregate demand irst when spending escapes leakage circular flow income decreasing second exports foreigners enter injection into increasing within hen move across national borders money must used t...

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