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picture1_Economic Integration Pdf 126510 | 6 Item Download 2022-10-12 18-15-11

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File: Economic Integration Pdf 126510 | 6 Item Download 2022-10-12 18-15-11
international journal of advanced research in issn 2278 6236 management and social sciences impact factor 6 284 globalisation and its impact on agriculture joginder research scholar deptt of sociology m ...

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...International journal of advanced research in issn management and social sciences impact factor globalisation its on agriculture joginder scholar deptt sociology m d university rohtak abstract globalization is the process integration arising from interchange world views products ideas other aspects culture associated not only with an increasing cross border movement goods services capital technology information people but also organization economic activities which straddles national boundaries although envisage free competition high productivity using state art simultaneously it driven by lure profit threat market being portrayed as solution for all type problems related to thus static a super phenomenon transcends frontiers keywords introduction proceed events decision one part have significant consequences parts globe represents closer economy resulting increase trade investment finance multi country production networks mncs extends beyond interdependence include dilution time space...

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