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picture1_Microeconomics And Macroeconomics Pdf 126457 | Econ 301 D   Lee

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File: Microeconomics And Macroeconomics Pdf 126457 | Econ 301 D Lee
econ301dintermediate macroeconomics syllabus autumn 2016 instructor yurim lee time tth8 30 10 20 am email yrlee88 uw edu place sig 225 oce hours thu 10 30 12 30 pm oce ...

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...Econdintermediate macroeconomics syllabus autumn instructor yurim lee time tth am email yrlee uw edu place sig oce hours thu pm savery hall h afewwords welcometoecondintermediate my name is please feel free to call me i will be guiding you through for the next ten weeks if need can always reach via also use emails announcements or notications so sure check your every often coursedescription economicsisastudyofchoices whetherit choosing which class take this quarter a policymaker selecting monetary policy implement our limited resources force us make choices another reason thank all deciding enroll in course previous microeconomics classes have learned how individuals optimal e g consumption of work etc we shift focus whole economy aggregate wish fancier word aimed teach students basic tools and apply them real world economic issues employing graphs primarily with occasional equations means looking at stripped down simplied models while these do not reect as it they provide useful insig...

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