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picture1_Intermediate Microeconomics Pdf 126286 | 11 Item Download 2022-10-12 16-09-03

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File: Intermediate Microeconomics Pdf 126286 | 11 Item Download 2022-10-12 16-09-03
intermediate microeconomics fudan university department school of economics course econ130244 code course intermediate microeconomics title credit 5 credit hours 90 course specific general education courses core courses general education nature ...

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...Intermediate microeconomics fudan university department school of economics course econ code title credit hours specific general education courses core nature elective basic in discipline professional compulsory others successful students will memorize and understand models learnt class use to solve problems objectives the limitations analyze real life phenomenon this is designed rigorous quantitative tools re examine concepts laws that you have principle be rst start learning how economic as an economist what way economists think about world however are descriptio used individuals rms make decisions market n works fails role government improving social welfare etc specically speaking we cover consumer theory preference utility maximization producer prot cost minimization markets competition monopoly game failures externalities public goods asymmetric information adverse selection moral hazard requirements prerequisites must macroeconomics multivariable calculus introduction statistics...

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