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picture1_Microeconomics Pdf 126216 | 127 Item Download 2022-10-12 01-37-15

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File: Microeconomics Pdf 126216 | 127 Item Download 2022-10-12 01-37-15
an overview of the theory of microeconomics consumer behaviour and market structures in fast food marketing emmanuel selase asamoah miloslava chovancova 1 introduction the current global fast food marketplace is ...

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...An overview of the theory microeconomics consumer behaviour and market structures in fast food marketing emmanuel selase asamoah miloslava chovancova introduction current global marketplace is characterized by different players competing for attention consumers who are much diversified diversity effect determines their attitude towards products services offered companies microeconomic provides framework analyzing understanding buyer schiffman kanuk define as that display searching purchasing using evaluating disposing ideas further elaborated on definition explaining therefore study how individuals make decisions to spend available resources time money effort consumption related items since all over world dynamic especially with regards taste preferences it important firms understand so develop strategies respond them effectively a complex process involving activities people engage when seeking choosing buying goal satisfying needs wants desires belch number factors both internal exter...

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