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picture1_Economics Pdf 126204 | Fab   Lesson Plan

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File: Economics Pdf 126204 | Fab Lesson Plan
the fundamentals 75 minutes bbi1o bbi2o bmi3c of economics bdi3c bdi3o a high school lesson plan provided by the university of guelph this activity will allow students to develop an ...

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...The fundamentals minutes bbio bmic of economics bdic bdio a high school lesson plan provided by university guelph this activity will allow students to develop an understanding basic business and economic principles including concept diminishing rate marginal returns best alternative no agreement batna substitutes versus complements learn through activities designed for hands on learning utilize critical thinking skills while working in groups curriculum alignments assessment strategies success expectations criteria describe concepts conditions summary debrief that affect supply demand explain gallery walk how needs wants create opportunities think pair share discussion summarize factors motivate customer purchase product e g cross curricular links discretionary income peer pressure social responsibility evolving exploring family studies consumer process involved producing awareness new or delivering service food nutrition choices identify determine availability security labour environm...

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