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File: Economics Pdf 126176 | Art94 Item Download 2022-10-12 01-17-13
east westjournal of economics and business journal of economics and business vol xiv 2011 no 1 53 71 assessing economic growth and fiscal policy in indonesia rifki ismal university of ...

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...East westjournal of economics and business journal vol xiv no assessing economic growth fiscal policy in indonesia rifki ismal university paramadina abstract this paper attempts to analyze the development especially it investigates whether wagner or keynes law s apply country what variables determine policies technically uses econometric model called autoregressive distributed lag vector auto regression both short long run periods main finding is that occur indonesian economy particularly influenced by government expenditures namely employment good non tax income meanwhile are determined exports oil imports payment debts as such suggests makers use variable while aggregate keywords jel classification e introduction was ever been grouped one asian miracle countries because its rapid stiglitz reformation late has caused flowing foreign investment export oriented manufacturing sectors moreover from early into fortunately faced post boom complemented financial deregulation renewed liberali...

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