File: Political Economy Pdf 126079 | Do Item Download 2022-10-12 00-27-22
sixth jacques polak annual research conference ixth acques olak nnual esearch onference s j p a r c november 34 2005 ovember n 34 2005 trade inequality and the political ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 12 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Sixth jacques polak annual research conference ixth acques olak nnual esearch onference s j p a r c november ovember n trade inequality and the political economy of institutions quy toan do world bank andrei levchenko international monetary fund paper presented at hosted by washington dcnovember views expressed in this are those author only presence them or links to on imf website does not imply that its executive board management endorses shares preliminary incomplete comments welcome october abstract weanalyze relationship between quality economic such as contract enforcement rule law property rights literature has argued both empirically theoretically larger rms care less about good higher leads worse recent enables us analyze economies with heterogeneous argues opening reallocation production which largest grow while small become smaller disappear combining these two strands we build model key features first preferences over institutional dier across depend rm size second is endoge...