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picture1_Fiscal Policy Pdf 126065 | Beetsma

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File: Fiscal Policy Pdf 126065 | Beetsma
rapport till finanspolitiska radet 2008 2 a survey of the effects of discretionary fiscal policy roel beetsma university of amsterdam cepr and cesifo the views expressed in this report are ...

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...Rapport till finanspolitiska radet a survey of the effects discretionary fiscal policy roel beetsma university amsterdam cepr and cesifo views expressed in this report are those author do not necessarily represent swedish council i thank for helpful comments my discussant lars e o svensson as well calmfors par ticipants at conference labour market reforms organized by stockholm january ar en myndighet som har uppgift att gora obe roende granskning av regeringens finanspolitik radets uppgifter fullfoljs framfor allt genom publiceringen rapporten svensk lamnas regeringen gang per ska kunna anvandas ett underlag riksdagens politik anord nar aven konferenser serien studier publiceras fordjupa de olika aspekter pa finanspolitiken box se kungsgatan tel fax info finanspolitiskaradet www issn abstract is undergoing revival recently us govern ment has implemented stimulus package also prominent economists imf pleading favour paper we theoretical empirical literature on changes through taxes gov...

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